Tara and I took some time off yesterday, me to get a haircut, then we headed to the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden near Reed College to feed the fauna (water birds, some of them diving underwater).
The geese will eat directly from your hand.
Then we went shopping at Trader Joe's for lunch snacks, bulk supplies (frozen salmon, soy bacon, vino... dog food). The mango sorbet looks like a low fat alternative to some of those other options.
Tinkerbell has a flat and I've been too preoccupied with math wars to mess with it. However, now that spring has arrived...
Today: more MVP from the airport duty (looking forward), Pacific University in play. Tomorrow: beginning of Wanderers retreat (I'll see some of you there).
Speaking of animal planet, I'm glad to see our more minimal TV package (no Al Jazeera) still has the National Geographic channel. We're enjoying it. It's not like there's a shortage of media in this town.

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