Any top-down synergism is creationist in that sense. Certainly there's an entry on teleology in Synergetics Dictionary, as like "voltage pressure". Likewise, Teilhard de Chardin, though friendly to fossils, happy to embrace Darwin, was not above a more Masonic "intelligent designer" world view, with an Omega in place of a G.

Anyway that private party with 80 people staged by Babies with Rabies might've helped tip it in favor of the killjoys. OLCC looks for people stepping on the sidewalk with anything boozaholic. That's the name of the game, when they want to crack down. Duke's had its alcohol monitor, sure, but that wasn't enough to satisfy the referees in this case.
I'm learning a lot about the Wild West these days, am looking forward to Lindsey's playing. I've invited a bunch of people. Glenn, another Wanderer, is on his way over. She's a top talent though her loud edgy sound is not for everyone. Here's her latest circular on Bizmo Diaries.

I'm steering her towards the next PPUG meeting, even if I'm to be at the Django conference. We have a lot of people at most of those meetings, perhaps from other world domination shops I'm still clueless about (I'm far from omniscient, even regarding geekdom here in Portland). What would it look like, to code Palestine on Rails? I should put her in touch with as well, to yak about Google App Engine solutions (Dr. Chuck a new Plaxo friend).