(with special thanks to Fine Grind)
Per my meeting with Glenn Stockton this morning, I'm interested in competing with more academic formats, such as classroom lectures, with something more like Ted.com, but with LCDs discreetly positioned for pairs or small groups, with or without headphones or audio.
The content won't be exclusively philosophical of course, but aesthetics and ethics tie in, even in such commercial settings. Glenn's global matrix (hexapent geometry) will likewise get focus.
My companies use synergetic geometry to self promote, for example, which will inevitably reinforce what some teenagers are now getting in school. We aim to supplement, not replace. Imagine hypertoons, some of them commercials for Quaker businesses.
Coffee shops are conducive to being studious (unlike taverns), or at least some of them are, at least some of the time.
The group on Synergeo (a Yahoo! eGroup) seems a little bent out of shape over the Wikipedia article on Synergetics, which at the time of this writing is devoted to an entirely different work by that title, than the one depicted above.
So I've patiently explained that you can't copyright a title, any more than you can an individual word in common usage (such as "gravity"), and besides, not having anything decently comprehensive about our Synergetics on Wikipedia just has the effect of driving more eyeballs to my sites, which is to my commercial advantage.
So let's just say I'm not too worried about it.
Per recent threads with Terry and Diane, I'm willing to promote his ISEPP organization through my syndicated LCD channels (coffee shops subscribe, and not just to mine) as a charitable cause, but he probably wants to see how I do it for these for-profits first, just to make sure my promotional activities are indeed truly advantageous to my various client brands -- like Jack Daniels maybe?
In the interests of full disclosure, my company (DWA / 4D) used to be ISEPP's bookkeeper, but those days are long gone, don't even get the free tickets anymore.
So, I wonder what Roz is up to, time to visit her blog. Fond memories of meeting her on Thanksgiving last year, while visiting with Les and Elise.