Saturday, August 24, 2024

Colluding on Confinement

When it comes to writing the historical accounts, I think we'll find it interesting that the Americans were calling for "a cease fire" but not for "an evacuation" even though Gaza was rubble by then, unlivable, outbreaks of polio.
Sure, it's an "open air prison" but you've gotta stay put, because we, the hand-wringers, the pearl clutchers, say so. Talk about collusion on genocide!
Obviously the denazification program was never completed in the American mindset. Ukrainians and Bosnians, even Syrians, got to leave the war zone. Palestinians though: they're supposed to love bygone olive groves so much that they'll put up with any amount of carnage. Stay in the cage with the rabid dog kids! They're nostalgic at gunpoint.

If I were a Palestinian, I'd use my sovereignty to get the hell out of there and never return. I'd have the right of return, but I wouldn't use it. Who wants to go back to a hellhole Americans worship as "a holy land"? Not me. I'll take New Jersey over Gaza any day of the week. But wait, I have no sovereignty, that's the whole problem. I'm supposed to just stay here and get bombed while the Americans fret and act stupid (what they're best at).