Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Integrity Testing

Welcome to my journals. Welcome back if you're returning.

Let's recap: 

Facts I use as evidence, that Verboten Math is subversive include: 

(a) it's not taught 
(b) it won't go away
(c) it has practical applications

Most candidates are revealed to be (i) nonsensical (ii) false or (iii) trivially true. No such verdict has been established in this case, ergo it won't go away.

However, most people have no clue what Verboten Math even is (it's not taught), and calling it Martian Math instead doesn't really help matters. 

In fact, Verboten Math is a source of good ideas for the mainstream, once these ideas are sanitized, their  radical roots obscured.

In today's meetup (recorded) I mentioned Quakers had a history around creating schools, and with schools come their hallmark curricula and faculties. As Quakers, we need to compete in order to enhance our brand, and bring glory to God. We're not afraid to share Verboten Math. On the contrary, we relish the opportunity.

The New England Transcendentalist aspects, Margaret Fuller and so on, were always conducive to Quakers taking an interest, as is the inbuilt skepticism regarding Manifest Destiny style imperialist mindsets, a skepticism shared by Andrew Carnegie and Mark Twain of the Anti-Imperialist League.

In a move to repair the damage brought on by a narrow-minded and short-sighted global plutocracy, wrapping itself in the Stars and Stripes, American schools overseas have a special incentive to phase in elements of Martian Math, given both its highly geographic content, and its potency as positive PR, as Americana and as a vanguard for USA OS.