I've continued to weave the net, keeping pages with pages. The original Wiki, started by Ward Cunningham, explains the philosophy behind the Wiki design. As a newly invited denizen of Citizendium, I've done a new autobio.
Why not do double duty and link my Wikipedia page to the same page and vice versa?
On Facebook, I've been talking about my heros (a few of them) from the Civil Rights movement...
My superhero of the civil rights movement is Muhammad Ali. He stood up to the suits, who wanted to send him to Vietnam. He'd give up the world title before he submitted to the corporatocracy that was even then destroying our democracy from the inside.
I'm a big MLK fan too of course. I took in some of my civil rights movement lore from Kiyoshi Kuromiya, who worked closely with MLK's people on the March on Washington event.
Kiyoshi was nearly killed by rabid racist cops in the south. Like Bayard Rustin, he was taking up gay rights as part of civil rights (being civil means not dictating / imposing the customs of some ethnic group).
Another healer I admire is Father Divine, the short black guy who professed to be God and who had a very mixed bag following (many walks of life and shades of coloration).
Their idea of a cult was to live in big hotels and have lavish banquets. Pretty benign.
Civil Rights Gallery:
Bayard Rustin: Civil and gay rights activist. Nowadays celebrated by AFSC (libtard Quakers -- my brand too).

Kiyoshi Kuromiya: born in a prison camp for Japanese Americans; worked closely with MLK; gay rights HIV activist; colluded with Bucky Fuller on some of his most catalyzing works.