So today I need to keep getting it out there, lobbying to upgrade Earthling Math with something more palatable, spiced up a bunch, like with a little Dave's Insanity Sauce (a popular kitchen condiment in this household, in small doses).
If T-modules seem boring to you, that's probably because we don't have a lot of good quality geometry animations about them yet, much as I've been agitating for same for commercial purposes.
We also have the E modules with h=1, really close to T's radius 0.99948333226... as computed by Python just now and obtained by scaling phi/root2, which latter radius gives us a rhombic triacontahedron of 7.5 (in tetravolumes). That's what's showing in the screen shots below.
So here's a little Show & Tell with links to the cited graphics for more background, also source code:

Cited Figures: Synergetics Constant; 986.411A T-Mod Edges; 986.411B T-Mod Angles