The beautiful painting above is from her promotional materials.
Speaking of promos, the MOTD (message of the day) at Open Source Garden is a sneak peak at the OS Bridge call for proposals. I like the innovative categories Audrey came up with.

Good seeing Gordon today, glad to meet his brother.
Later: all guys tonight, Steve Bergman included, with conversation drifting to motors and engines (internal combustion, marine, jet), though we started with kosher foods, the difference between gefilte fish (עפֿילטע פֿיש), and lutefisk etc. David Tver knows lots of lore.
Clean air standards: retiring more of the fleet in favor of contemporary vehicles, not just hybrids, would improve matters. In LA, the average new vehicle breaths in filthier air than it exhausts, contends Barry.
Our proposed repatriation bases in Stockton, Las Vegas, might feature van pools for carbon-conscious security moms, government issue, more practical than hummers. They could do their own driving (we're accepting in that way).
How is a company like Raytheon not part of the government? Just asking.
Lots of discussion of philosophy as a discipline, rhetoric versus logic etc. We discussed Terry's defense of free agency and engineering, scientism vs. Scientology etc. We coached Steve on possible scenarios regarding his philosophical framework. Bill worked on a jigsaw puzzle.
The wine flowed freely.