Here's an ad citing Bucky's infamous "nature is not using pi" meme, which in 1980 sounded fresh enough to serve as a recruiting tool. This company is looking to hire some new crew members.
So that's Shirley Sharky on the left (below). I got to meet her in Ed's Georgetown apartment during that big shindig in 2004 he cohosted with his daughter Ashton, with foci of her own.
I got to share lasagna with Thomas Zung and Shoji Sadao as well. Dick Fischbeck was in the little kitchenette where Ed kept the gin.
Anyway, I tend to get a little giddy when I'm around so many beautiful people all packed into a single meetup like that.
NYT article: School of Tutors Uses World as Campus,
by Sharon Johnshon, Sep 7, 1980
(Janet Bergman with glasses)
Now it's time to watch the evening news with Katie Couric. Tonight's closing story: Lake Superior is at an 81 year low. How low will she go? Container ships are especially affected.
by Sharon Johnshon, Sep 7, 1980
(Janet Bergman with glasses)