Saturday, March 08, 2025


I’ve been yakking with friends about AI, part of everyday conversation, an ongoing computation. Here’s me writing to a professor and former classmate:

[I]n general I'm very impressed by AI, not because I believe in AGI or the Singularity or am a transhumanist muskrat, but because stochastic algorithms are able to distill vast quantities of human authored verbiage into a navigable topology of strung-together tokens, wow. The art too: I'm blown away by it.  Not all of it. Not every bit of AI slop is goldilocks.  More like panning for gold.

We talk about other topics too of course, especially Gaza. I’ve been bringing up the need for an airport over on Facebook, branching off plans from 2016.

Whereas most of these conversations are in cyberspace, I sometimes have the privilege of a non-virtual visitor, as was the case on Thursday. 

Daniel was on his way back to California and stopped over to spend the day with me, 9 to 5, and we got a lot of work done. He’s a boss user of AI tools when in his element.

The branch-out to Obsidian involved, as an exercise, copying down the text of these blogs. That alone was worth the price of admission, to his interesting demo. AI wrote the scripts to pretty much bootstrap itself.