Wednesday, October 09, 2024

More Political Rhetoric

:: ranter ::

I've been clear on Facebook that I'm voting for Harris this time. 

I voted for Hillary in 2016 (she'll be speaking in Portland in a couple weeks -- I won't be there, not a fan). I'm ready for a female president with an ordinary, average, representative background, more like Obama's, meaning complicated and multicultural, like America itself. 

The last thing we need is yet another golf clubby rich guy, another aristocrat.

Per an email to a friend:

BTW I'm still voting for Kamala. She's proved herself highly malleable, flexible, not tied to specific positions. She's compliant and works well with the oligarchy. Trump had his chance. I also like that she has female characteristics. Putin and I see eye to eye on this one. Doesn't mean she'll win, but it'd be more instructive for people if she did.

USers are such backsliders, endowing their scapegoats with superpowers before sacrificing them to the gods when all their hopes and dreams don't come true. As if it were all up to a president. Such monarchists. Why not just devolve into Brits then?  Forget we fought for freedom from such ill-begotten superstitions.

To another friend I wrote:

Regarding the presidential contest: I'm ready for a first female president and anyone is gonna have their flaws. "Laughing too much" and speaking in "word salad" don't seem that objectionable. Both may be assets. Plus her background is certainly more average. Like Obama, she wouldn't have come from an aristocratic background, far from it, and to me, that's a plus. If her dad was a Marxist professor or whatever, so much the better. More proof the Muricans have an open mind.

Trump, with his celebrity billionaire background, encourages popular backsliding into thinking a president has to be from some financial elite, in this case New York mafia / slumlord / casino world (one of many subcultures our great nation has to offer). I think a president should be closer to average, and their role should include reporting back to the people what the insiders are up to; a man or woman on the street elected to spy on the government. That'd be how I'd shape it, instead of going with an "imperial presidency" with a lot of pomp and circumstance ala Rome.

However I'm never so tempted to vote for Trump as when the Dems truck out their vile Russophobia and spew it all over the media. Such a stinky vibe. I'll be holding my nose as usual.

Me on Facebook, the text the in above graphic: 

If Trump did give Putin some gift of a covid testing device, that would’ve been a nice gesture. A more constructive relationship between the Kremlin and White House would have been a good idea, and remains a good idea.

Likewise any calls made by Trump-the-private-citizen to Vlad would not be that upsetting to me. As a free American he or I should feel free to phone anyone in the world any time. Of course whomever we’re calling should be free to not take the call. Bibi, don’t call me.

I’m skeptical though, as I think of Woodward as one of those journalists who believes what he’s told by various storytellers with the job of making up stories. These stories have the flavor of being unfalsifiable. But even if they’re true, I fail to experience any outrage, sorry.

I’m not a Trump supporter, but I do find Americans to be mentally ill when it comes to Russians. They’ve always been that way, since I was a kid. One of their least attractive qualities. I’m so glad I grew up outside the states in my formative years and never developed a lot of these crushing mental disabilities.