Wednesday, November 08, 2023


Interesting that allowing stateless Gazan refugees to escape from their torture pen is now referred to as “decanting”. Their forced confinement to a killing field, apparently favored by those with states, is therefore “to bottle and cork”?

Voluntary departure is not the same as forced displacement. If Palestinians had statehood, they would have the usual right to cross borders and escape the war zone, without surrendering a right to return.

That Gazans are forced to stay in Gaza is a symptom of their statelessness. The world seems complicit. The whole situation is a strong indictment of the nation-state system.

Confining Gazans who want to leave Gaza to an open air prison is hardly an humanitarian gesture. 

Ukrainians were allowed to leave Ukraine when the war started. Syrians were permitted to leave Syria. Yet the world is complicit in depriving Palestinians of their human right to move freely about the world, even to escape a war zone — or maybe that’s not a human right? Forced confinement is OK? 

Only those with statehood get to travel is that it? The United Nations seems mostly interested in fencing people in.

[ from my comments on YouTubes ]