Thursday, March 21, 2019

Dot Operator Politics

The "dot operator" is ubiquitous in programming, but weren't these languages supposed to extend logic as well as mathematics, in philosophy?  Yes, electrons flooded in an animated these new notations from the inside.  We had new ways to channel energy, to shape it into computations.

Fast forward and it's time to pass the torch to coming generations.  However, curricula have bottle-necked and in many cases tanked.  I network with my people, as best I can, to come up with something more designed, more attuned to present needs.  That means casting the "dot operator" as an operator "within math".  Where the Polyhedrons live.

Last night I wrote a story on Medium recalling the politicization of the math curriculum in the 1920s.  Anti-German sentiments were motivating textbook publishers to purge some of the existing Number Theory, according to a reliable source.  Looking up to some guy named Gauss wouldn't do.

Barriers to "Gnu Math" have been different.  There's a wish to keep K-12 mathematics recognizable by not mixing in much code.  However, if code does enter the picture, then why not usher in the dot operator of object oriented language fame?

If we're going to have "math objects" we might reach into, through the dot, then why not have these be polyhedrons?  Cast polyhedrons as the paradigm objects to which "the dot" gives us access.

Perhaps the only new idea here is to keep calling it math even after we've automated it to such a degree as to be using electronics i.e. computers.

Patrick and I wandered on Mt. Tabor today, with Quinn the dog.  I'm fine with flights of stairs and all that.  Patrick has been playing with a certain Kali Linux, "a Debian-derived Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing".  Sounds interesting.

I'd like to be paid to learn stuff I could then turn around and teach in some value-adding manner.  That's what an edit-recombine PWS does in the GST ecosystem:  it adds value.

Making polyhedrons the generic object in object oriented programming, in a math curriculum context, is a way to bring more coding skills into the picture, without waiting for CS to pave the way.

The attempt to boot up CS (computer science) in every high school, as its own track with its own faculty, whereas mathematics is already under pressure to be more relevant, is a mistake we might all learn from.  Lets hope South Africa doesn't make the mistake of copying Texas.