Saturday, September 16, 2017

Gala Gathering

C6XTY Unveiling

I tried to explain this event to people by saying we were shooting raw footage for future commercials.  That might not be quite it, certainly not it entirely, however people understand the movie shoot, complete with retakes, and that's what this was, as well as a party.

Sam Lanahan has been planning this event for some time, blending his personal genius with that of the many he's come to collaborate with.  Jeff is the talented engineer.  We carried the four frequency tetrahedron together.  Steffan is the talented magician, working with Hope, the athlete.  Polara brought their considerable abilities to the scene, as did the professional drone camera operator.  No, I'm not forgetting the crane.

Barry Redd and Glenn Stockton have been helping Sam build C6XTY sculptures, which show off a non-cubic lattice, not BCP.  All the examples were CCP, but each colored and "carved" (in the sense of omitted balls) to create a landscape of clearly unique pieces.  One was for stress testing.  Others were for display on a grassy yard.  The biggest was for hoisting by crane so that Hope could dangle and twist therefrom, ushering in the Tension Age.

I should explain the plot a little.  Steffan Soule had it worked out, with a stage magician's brick, symbolizing compression, and a bright pink and black ball of C6XTY, matched in color by Hope's harlequin outfit.  During several takes, Sam both received, and handed over, the plastic ball, the icon symbolizing Tension in this picture.  The receding Age of Compression was about the Cube.

Yes, this all sounds esoteric and to some level indecipherable, the entropy is high, potentially.  However, I'm connecting themes that go back years in these blogs, so in a way I don't feel I have the burden, in one post, to compress all these years of thinking and running experiments.  That's partly what "tension" means:  not having to re-invent the wheel every day.  I'll be referring back to this HP4E event again, don't you worry.

Many thanks to Derek Bridges for additional photography and a twitter stream, to Tim Hitchcock (bizmo pilot) and Trevor Blake (a Fuller archivist, among other roles).  Thanks to Patrick Barton for helping move pieces from my patio to the rented truck, and to Diane for having some ideas about what all this could be about.  We're still figuring that out.  The Age of Tension is often suspenseful, but perhaps less awkwardly melodramatic?