Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Big Rock Candy Mountain

lets hang the jerk who invented work...

I was listening to KBOO the other day, regarding who owns the Arctic.  People living above the Arctic Circle, called "the north" in this namespace, such as in Greenland, have a dialog going with the rest of us in "the south" regarding the use of natural resources.

Sometimes there's a tidy sum to be made from extracting resource X, and it might actually be renewable (eco-tourism depends on an endless supply of tourists).  Some level of abstraction, of resources from the environment, if only oxygen and water, is required for biological continuance.

The bootstrapping equation is:  knowledge worker jobs such as one might have in some corporate office building, with bandwidth and plumbing, require fancy educations, but before we attain those high levels of education comes maybe decades of more menial work.  That's what the more plodding developers think.

"Says who?" and "Why not short circuit or leap frog, like skipping landlines for cells?"   Lets enroll thousands in general systems theory, prototype curricula, pilot testing.  Experiment with XRL (extreme remote livingry), emergency shelters.  Not because it's an emergency necessarily but because when it's not an emergency is a good time to prepare for one.

Conflate study into work / study (chores + scholarship + playful research projects) and actually pay Greenlanders to obtain that schooling starting now.  It's a loan against one's future income, if you want to see it that way.  When you're born, your elderly self is already sending you money from the future!  We can do that with bookkeeping, no time travel required.  Don't let intermediaries intercept your birthright!

Lets call this the Big Rock Candy Mountain scenario, in contrast with the Iron Mountain scenario, which latter feeds and shelters its Army Specialists on the understanding they'll do work / study under the Generalists ("the generals").  These are very similar Mountains, in terms of the patterns they employ.  Livingry and killingry both require innovation and human-powered networks.