Monday, October 14, 2024

Another 21st Century Curriculum

What is it that I expect to accomplish through curriculum writing? For some decades, I've been this working class dweeb who teaches online programming classes, on the basis of earlier decades developing computer applications, having majored in philosophy at Princeton, but always finding computers cool. 

But then my online content isn't entirely about teaching programming. It's about thinking about geometry with a 3D computer graphics tool at one's elbow. A ray tracer in my case. To make the ray tracer do what I wanted, I had to feed it programs too tedious to write by hand, so I'd have another program do that, and control that one at a high level.

Let's take a look at some code I was writing yesterday:

The raytracer I use is called POV-Ray, a free open source tool that renders slowly compared to say Blender. I don't mind its slowness in the context of what I use it for, to generate animated GIFs such as the one above.

POV-Ray expects to read and process files with extension .pov and in the code above we see I'm opening a .pov file to receive a lot of stuff, through the arbitrarily so-named fileobject: out. I bring polyhedra into the foreground as objects: Icosahedron, PD, Octahedron. PD stands for Pentagonal Dodecahedron. I also have an RD, a Rhombic Dodecahedron. The code for those is in the same module, but once defined, I have a pretty succinct syntax for conjuring them, manipulating their properties, and writing them out in Scene Description Language for POV-Ray to process.

Am I saying I expect other teachers to simply copy my code and use it verbatim? Sure, to start with, one may clone or fork my codebase, slides too. But then many teachers will be more into using their own methods, while picking up on more of the shoptalk, around BASKET modules, Quadrays, Synergetics in general. For them, this material may all be a gateway to 20th Century History and a telling that includes what the Boomers were doing (USA namespace) to propagate the "4D" memes.

As a boomer myself, one who propagates "4D" (e.g., I'm a student of intellectual history and so my classes and lectures tend to have elements of that. My knowledge is quite limited. I'm a fan of CJ's commitment to comprehensivity but accept, as he did, that omniscience is not necessarily the objective. Carve out a patch and cultivate that, and you'll receive news from afar in ways you might use, within your own garden (not walled exactly, but protected, perhaps even encrypted).

I'm also a political cartoonist, and my work with Holdenweb and Open Bastion was more along the lines of event producer. The logistics supervisor work in hotels in years prior set me up to be at home in such institutions. Not that I don't still have much to learn. At 66, I'm still a noob. But a noob with some experience, I'd be foolish to deny what little I've got.

Finally, I fancy myself a type of science fiction writer, but within the context of curriculum writing and general systems theory (GST) more generally. Science fiction becomes a stand in for what my dad did: regional planning. That field has its specific techniques, over which I am not a master, let alone doctor (he had a PhD), but the idea is similar: conjure a possible future by means of narratives, stories, blog posts, and other artwork.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

More Political Rhetoric

:: ranter ::

I've been clear on Facebook that I'm voting for Harris this time. 

I voted for Hillary in 2016 (she'll be speaking in Portland in a couple weeks -- I won't be there, not a fan). I'm ready for a female president with an ordinary, average, representative background, more like Obama's, meaning complicated and multicultural, like America itself. 

The last thing we need is yet another golf clubby rich guy, another aristocrat.

Per an email to a friend:

BTW I'm still voting for Kamala. She's proved herself highly malleable, flexible, not tied to specific positions. She's compliant and works well with the oligarchy. Trump had his chance. I also like that she has female characteristics. Putin and I see eye to eye on this one. Doesn't mean she'll win, but it'd be more instructive for people if she did.

USers are such backsliders, endowing their scapegoats with superpowers before sacrificing them to the gods when all their hopes and dreams don't come true. As if it were all up to a president. Such monarchists. Why not just devolve into Brits then?  Forget we fought for freedom from such ill-begotten superstitions.

To another friend I wrote:

Regarding the presidential contest: I'm ready for a first female president and anyone is gonna have their flaws. "Laughing too much" and speaking in "word salad" don't seem that objectionable. Both may be assets. Plus her background is certainly more average. Like Obama, she wouldn't have come from an aristocratic background, far from it, and to me, that's a plus. If her dad was a Marxist professor or whatever, so much the better. More proof the Muricans have an open mind.

Trump, with his celebrity billionaire background, encourages popular backsliding into thinking a president has to be from some financial elite, in this case New York mafia / slumlord / casino world (one of many subcultures our great nation has to offer). I think a president should be closer to average, and their role should include reporting back to the people what the insiders are up to; a man or woman on the street elected to spy on the government. That'd be how I'd shape it, instead of going with an "imperial presidency" with a lot of pomp and circumstance ala Rome.

However I'm never so tempted to vote for Trump as when the Dems truck out their vile Russophobia and spew it all over the media. Such a stinky vibe. I'll be holding my nose as usual.

Me on Facebook, the text the in above graphic: 

If Trump did give Putin some gift of a covid testing device, that would’ve been a nice gesture. A more constructive relationship between the Kremlin and White House would have been a good idea, and remains a good idea.

Likewise any calls made by Trump-the-private-citizen to Vlad would not be that upsetting to me. As a free American he or I should feel free to phone anyone in the world any time. Of course whomever we’re calling should be free to not take the call. Bibi, don’t call me.

I’m skeptical though, as I think of Woodward as one of those journalists who believes what he’s told by various storytellers with the job of making up stories. These stories have the flavor of being unfalsifiable. But even if they’re true, I fail to experience any outrage, sorry.

I’m not a Trump supporter, but I do find Americans to be mentally ill when it comes to Russians. They’ve always been that way, since I was a kid. One of their least attractive qualities. I’m so glad I grew up outside the states in my formative years and never developed a lot of these crushing mental disabilities.

Friday, October 04, 2024

Back to School

:: pooh gets a bigger brain ::

For context, we were seeing a Planet of the Apes situation developing in western Asia, with various groups clinging to statehood amidst missiles flying in every direction.  The whole idea of "sovereignty" was going up in smoke.

More people escaped Gaza than I'd realized (still not nearly enough), but there'd been no cruise ship convoy nor other highly visible rescue effort. Most of the evacuation was under the radar and largely unreported 

A similar exodus from Lebanon is happening now, as the Netanyahu regime extends its carpet bombing campaign to more cities and towns. Not that Israelis are staying put either. When the missiles start flying, civilians leave in large numbers, if allowed to.

My code school colleagues (Python, data science etc.) and I are these days gearing up for another cohort. I haven't been actively instructing a cohort in awhile, but the workflows are not unfamiliar. I'll have time to get ready. This is not my first rodeo.

Of course the notion of statehood isn't about to fade overnight. The plot line axis hinges around "globalism versus nationalism" where there's some attempt to map these terms to "left versus right" respectively. 

Radical lefty libs like Soros & Son versus righty tighties like Trump wanting non-porous borders, and the freedom to not be pawns within globalist agendas. That's a gross oversimplification of course. This much is sure: there's no way to avoid acting locally, whether or not one is able, or wishes, to think globally.

As an Epistemology group member on Facebook, I recently questioned the whole idea of "left vs right" as "too low dimensional" invoking the notion of Principal Component Analysis. Even Myers-Briggs, akin to Cambridge Analytica's fave personality test, has more than one dimension.

Why do people take it for granted that the terrain we're dealing with is a simple left vs right one-dimensional line? Data science is all about not imprisoning one's thinking inside decrepit obsolete models.  Are we so one-dimensional in our thinking?  

My Princeton prof Walter Kaufmann did not think Marcuse (One Dimensional Man) was that great of a thinker, but then it doesn't take a genius to realize the English language is garbage, out of the box, when kept to factory defaults, but is potentially expressive once fine  tuned. Wrestle with your native language if your goal is to be a philosopher.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Western Metaphysics

Omnidirectional Halo

Paradigm Shift

Friday, September 27, 2024

More Escapism



Both RTs have a unit radius IVM ball inside, but only the RT_T is small enough to let it poke through. The RT_E enwraps the uni-ball completely, its body-center to face-center radius matching that of the ball's exactly.

The workflow or pipeline I'm employing is an old one for me, in operation since the 1990s, using POV-Ray the whole time as my final rendering engine, and Python behind the scenes to write the scene description language.

The above eight lines are sufficient to generate all of what's needed to get the above RT_T graphic. Note the 0.9994 which students of Synergetics also learn as an algebraic expression.

A question I get is what does it all mean? 

I usually say it means we have a ladder in spatial geometry for becoming more advanced at CAD (computer aided design). 

Fluency in right-brained spatial imagery is an end in itself, or one could say a skill that comes in handy along many walks of life. 

The ladder is accessible to middle and high school level students, with elementary school segments as well (e.g. All Sixth Grade Assembly).

At the college level, we're talking about America's leading positive futurist, getting smeared and then memory-holed by the Grunch, a monster he helped to foster. 

The fight isn't over however. As Bucky spelled out in Grunch of Giants, a mytho-poetic and prophetic work, the front lines run through our colleges and universities, with some presidents having the guts to allow deeper dives among faculty, in response to student demand. We want our positive future back.

The Global U is coming together, helping to fill the power vacuum left by a fading nation-state system, with the Middle East already in the blender. 

Even as I write this, we're seeing Bibi quit the UN after lecturing legacy diplomats about how he's surrounded by non-nations he doesn't believe in (Jordan, Lebanon...), mere lines in the sand, against a backdrop of targeted explosions and terrorism among the well-armed paramilitary gangs. 

The political data layer is in turmoil, as people try to wrap their heads around the new post nation-state status quo that pertains therein. These gangs help themselves to factory-fresh inventory, amassed and allocated under the cover of nation-state decals, as politicians on the take grease the skids. That inventory proliferates and propagates in a free market, as economists predicted it would.

That means Refugee Planet is here, and is going to need more asylums, places for people to go who aren't wanting to participate in all the outward violence. 

Even soldiers, most of them economic refugees themselves, stuck far from home thanks to low living standards, are not always on board with the oligarchic mafiosi

Getting bossed around by privatized criminal syndicates takes some getting used to. One must overcome any sense of patriotism or honor.

Prompt:  Uniformed soldiers and other economic refugees from many countries gather in a playful Epcot-like village featuring high tech yurts and electric ATV vehicles.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Oval Office

Explaining the Symbolism

Prompt:  The White House tour guide explains to tourists, by pointing to a diagram, how the Oval Office is meant to resemble the human skull in cross section, a secret teaching about the inner president within each one of us, a secular picture of a high position with lots of overview and supervisory powers.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Safety Nets


Friday, September 13, 2024

AFSC Stuff

Martin Gonzalez and Grandson

I worked with Martin for many years via AFSC here in Portland. Mostly I was a program clerk meaning the token titular Friend meant to help with the curriculum, which in our case was youth oriented and started out as a way to address tensions between two demographic groups in the high schools: Latinos and Asians. They had other names for one another. Our program was named LAAP (Latin American Asian Pacific program) or something like that.

Another role I played was as apprentice contributing editor for Asian Pacific Issues News published out of our Portland office. Towards the end, I was briefly editor in chief. This newsletter is today very hard to find, a collectors’ item. We used it as currency to exchange for similar newsletters from around the Pacific Rim. We’d all read each other’s stuff, synthesize and summarize, and recycle. Such is a media ecosystem.

Why was I doing all this stuff? I had my skill set as a curriculum developer and had been sent to Boston to learn from an AFSC youth program there, as well as to attend Daniel Ellsberg’s Manhattan Project 2.0, about cleaning up post the original Manhattan Project (at Hanford et al).

Later, I tried to adapt my AFSC ideas, successfully implemented in the form of LAAP, staffed by two directors, one Asian, one Latino, to a different clientele piggy-backing on Glenn Stockton’s dream of an Institute of Integral Design. Glenn had enough skills to impart and inventory to share to fill a “maker space” (a term he despised — “maker” sounded too crude maybe, for craftsman). I would encourage learning moviemaking (skills I’d also like for myself)

For a short time, Portland AFSC itself was casting about for new digs, and we brainstormed this next chapter together (we had a committee). But the days of our youth program were over, at least here in Portland, and people moved on. Martin and I went our own ways but stay in touch over Facebook. I’m considered an AFSC Alumni Network guy.

I did have another AFSC role I should mention: as representative of our Yearly Meeting (NPYM), I was tasked with flying back to Philadelphia for annual corporation meetings. I’ve written a lot about those corporation meetings elsewhere, including when chronicling My Dinner with Kiyoshi (see comments).

Saturday, September 07, 2024


Partly why my Pirate Party wants the USG to take more responsibility for schooling its own future officials, is leaving it to prep schools has been a bad idea by many measures. 

You get too many of these Elon Musk types who seem to assume their high status in life is God-given and well deserved, and that's why it's their burden to take the rest of us over some cliff or other. 

Victoria Nuland comes to mind, or Condoleezza Rice, or Madeleine Albright. I don't look up to these peeps as intellectually suited to their roles. But they managed to pull strings and get plumb positions, too bad for world history, looking back. Not to only pick on women: Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinken... total disasters, from a USG point of view.

I think if the USG had boarding school opportunities starting for kids of a young age, not dependent on personal means or family finances, that we might groom (not a bad word) a cadre (not a bad word either) a cohort of future diplomats who were actually good at their jobs for a change, because of their well-conceived educations.

One obvious symptom of our weak privatized system is that big publishing can't turn on a dime, or even take off from a runway a mile long. The inertia is just too much to overcome. 

So whereas we should have been talking about America's greatest futurist subversive, Bucky Fuller, in the same pantheon as Martin Luther King, the only TV we got was either maudlin mourning or poking fun. Cry or laugh, neither serious.

NPR did a really terrible job with the Bucky narrative, botching the story completely. Given the high "spoiled brat" index of the people working there, that's not surprising. 

They didn't get any "Bucky math" in prep school and so assume there's no there there. That's the arrogance that comes with thinking your teachers really knew their stuff. Question authority more?

Anyway, I'm glad at least a few schools are showing promise this fall season (you know who you are) and we have some talent in the pipeline. 

In the meantime, we'll put up with Imposter Syndrome and pretend the USG exists, even though it doesn't for the time being. Uncle Sam is quite dead. In his place: the corporate version: shallow, vapid, devoid of real brains. A zombie. 

Patriots underground work on a next version of USA OS.

I just saw Beetlejuice Beetlejuice at the Bagdad last night (crowded!), which might explain why I'm seeing Ghost House tropes in real life. The focus of that movie is phoniness versus what's really real. The difference may get pretty thin. 

When you've lost integrity as a being, a lot of automaticity kicks in and you find your life filling up with involuntary unfree responses. You start lip synching the party line and marching to the groupthink drummer.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Martian Math (update)

King Hilbert (or N-dim-eus)

Martian Math has been heating up on the back burner. Now that it's "back to school" season, I'm pumping out the educational materials that any Silicon Forest teacher might need, to tell our history. 

Who was Doug Strain? How did his scenario overlap the AFSC's here in Portland (AFSC = American Friends Service Committee)? 

Answer: although Doug was a pacifist during WW2, a conscientious objector, he was not a Quaker, and yet he admired the work of the AFSC especially and so when Quakers needed a new meetinghouse, he helped arrange for that to happen, with AFSC gaining some office space in the process (from which it later moved).

That's Doug Strain of Electro-Scientific Instruments (ESI), one of our Silicon Forest parent companies.

Doug also funded the preservation and renovation of the boyhood home of Linus Pauling, thereby establishing a beloved landmark along Asylum Avenue (renamed Hawthorne Boulevard after said Asylum's head doctor), in the Asylum District where I live.

What I did today was add the above picture of AI King Hilbert (named for Hilbert Spaces) to the Storyboard: Martian Math album. I don't want my invisible army of Martian Math teachers (they might not call it that) to feel like I'm only catering to high schoolers and not taking it up to the college level.

When the Jesuits wanted to impress Chinese intellectuals with "best of the west" inventions, what came to mind was perspective painting, as perfected during the Renaissance. These canvases went hand-in-hand with another Jesuit-favored topic: the mnemonic arts. Memorize the floorplan of a public building, such as might be shown in a perspective painting, and create a VR experience wherein treasured memories could be represented as icons, and thereby organized on a "virtual desktop".

My understanding is the Chinese were skeptical that time-energy invested into realism was well spent, as paintings do not share the burden, later shared with photographs, of providing literal depictions of exactly what's present.

Without falling into a rift and debating these issues, I simply want to draw the analogy and say n-dimensional linear algebra is a technology around which humans are justly proud. They've made a lot of headway with their matrix-driven apparatus, including in the realm of metallurgy, where graphical processing units (GPUs) do matrix ops with blinding speed, allowing 30 frames a second and higher frame rates, computed in real time, within our computer games and simulations.

This pride will feed our willingness to devote considerable attention to conventional Hilbert Space presentations, in tandem with delving into the Martian stuff, with its four basis vectors at a mutual 109.47 degrees, ala the methane caltrop (molecular structure). CH4. 

Instead of XYZ and 3D space, we have the IVM and 4D space, but moving between the two has become smooth, owing to Qvector <-> Vector conversion algorithms. Qvectors are the 4-tuple "quadrays" used to map out the IVM, assigning unique whole number addresses to every CCP ball in the bunch.