Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Wanderers 2016.8.5

Lindsey and Kirby, Alpha Helix, Linus Pauling House

Today was an opportunity to saw good bye to Linz (Lindsey Walker) for a spell, as she makes last minute arrangements to return to her field studies, with OSU's blessings.  She came to my upstairs office this morning wondering if Wanderers was a go.  Why not?

Everyone there knew her already, but I re-introduced her as "the Queen of 97214" though she demurred on "queen" and later I said "child of".  That was to be the theme of our later photo shoot.

The point being:  she met her new community of friends, me one of them, via the Pauling House, thanks to her meeting Patrick Barton (currently with O'Reilly School), who at one time rented office space therein (when working for a Chicago-based psycho-metrics firm).

Then by osmosis and synchronicity she become enamored of Buddhism (they call this the "Buddhist ghetto" after all) and in Newar Buddhism in particular.

The only Newar temple in North America, or maybe anywhere outside Kathmandu Valley, is in the same block as the Pauling House, just around the corner.

That's why she's a daughter of our block and zip code (Blue House is right nearby).

Plus OSU was Linus Pauling's domain (there's a Linus Pauling Ale now, in Corvallis) and that's where Lindsey is now enrolled, as a combined religious studies and anthropology major.

She's already lived through that major earthquake in April (her guest room was on a fifth floor) on her second trip over, yet she's eager to return, and to commute between Corvallis and Patan.

I was in St. Louis around the time of that quake, and in Champaign-Urbana, on assignment for the same school Patrick works with.  USDLA (US Distance Learning Association) holds an annual conference there and we were checking out (and learning from) "the competition".

Steve Mastin, Dick Pugh, Don Wardwell, Jon Bunce and myself were present (Glenn showed up in time for the photo shoot).

Between the lot of us, we have lots of experience in and around academia and there was no shortage of well-meaning advice for this promising forty year old degree candidate from Florida State, where Lindsey's undergrad work began, before she left for a career in IT.
Newar Temple